Anti Terrorism Paintings Collections
 1.  Tamim in Cage kneeling 
2.  Iran's Pride in killing Civilians

An independent company

From Paintings


1. ​​"UAE Rulers" 
Accomplishments and Achievements"
 Painting Collections

A. Painting of Accomplishments
and Achievements for
HH  Khalifa bin Zayed bin
Sultan Al Nahyan in UAE

​Painting Tittle: 

Protecting United Arab Emirates

B. Crown Prince HH Mohammed bin
Zayed Al Nahyan 

C. HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid
Al Maktoum​ 

​Painting Tittle: 
Holding Dubai High  

2. Anti Terrorism Paintings


  Tamim in Cage  kneeling



Iran's Pride in killing Civilians


3.  Painting soon 
UAE Role in
moderating conflict
Painting Title
United Arab Emirates
​Helping Yemenis 

4. Women in the UAE Society Collection 

Women's Accomplishments

5. President Trump

U.S. President

Donald J. Trump 

Issue: Immigration

Painting Tittle

Stop illegal Immigration

6. United Arab Countries Collection 

Painting Title
 " United against Terrorism" 

History will record and demonstrate the actions taken by the
United Arab countries with U.S.A.  against Terrorism

Stand up to fight  Terrorism

Oil Painting 
stay an an Evidence in ​History Records 


Protecting United Arab Emirates  

HH President Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan  protecting UAE from  the Terrorist Country Iran.

Iran is attempting to destroy the Stability and the Economy  of UAE and killing Emirates People and try to bomb UAE but it fails

because of the

Real Perfect Protection

from HH President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan  which shows and proves  the strength and Wisdom of the President 

In spite of all Iran Attempts

UAE People  are living in total PEACE

Qatar is lost and Floating between Iran and UAE without knowing where to go.

Thanks to UAE President HH Khalifa bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan  and All UAE Rulers  and special thanks to all UAE Families,   for their constant support to the President of UAE and all Rulers of UAE


of the Queen of England

We Are honoring 

the UAE Israel’s agreement
and this Achievement
​to bring more Peace to the
​Middle East and the World

Please Note Paintings are the property of NICRS and
it is not permitted to
be copied , Violators
will be punished by
local and/or

International Law

Painting Tittle
Stop illegal Immigration

 Tittle of Painting : 

United Arab Emirates    

continue helping Yemenis with Food and Medicine 
in spite of Iran's Rockets

against them 

U.S. President 
Donald J. Trump 

Issue: illegal Immigration

United Arab Emirates 

Role in moderating conflict

We can deliver within United States to your Embassy in Washington DC , 


from U.S.A. to any address Worldwide

Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II 

Painting soon 

​This is a proximate view

Helping Yemen


 UAE Rulers Accomplishments and Achievements


Painting Tittle 

Protecting United Arab Emirates

Painting Tittle: 

Mother of ALL

For  Museums 


Painting Tittle: Protecting United Arab Emirates       

Signed by Artist Francois Maurice

Item No.  002-003

Dimension 100 cm X 80 cm​​

National Investment Center
Royal Services

Accomplishments and Achievements of 
Presidents, Kings and Princes