Countries Relation
Political Art
Accomplishments and Achievements
Invaluable Political Art Oil Paintings
remain in history forever
Art can change People Opinion
in Seconds
coming soon
Political Art Paintings
Painting Tittle: Justice prevail in Saudi Arabia
Mr. Jamal Khashoggi shaking hands with
HH Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman
Pride to America
President of the
The President of
United States
protecting USA from illegal Immigration and any Terrorist activities against USA .
Illegal Immigration is attempting to destroy the Stability and the Economy of USA and it is smuggling Drugs for American People
but it will fail
because of the
Real Perfect Protection
from The President of United States, President.
Trump's actions proves the strength and Wisdom of the President
In spite of all other Attempts to stop the Wall,
the President will do it
and Americans People will be living happy again without loosing jobs and in Total PEACE
Thanks to the USA President Trump and spacial Thanks to the Republican Party for their constant support to the President
We were inspired to do this Painting for the sake of American People to see the Reality
In the Painting President Donald Trump shows the issue of illegal immigration and why he is against it, this Painting makes the issue visual and has a way of helping citizens to see the real issue and this will affect their opinions and most of viewer will agree with it .
Art reflect within their artistic practices and consequently to create politically and socially engaged art.
The Politics of the field of Art to look at what it does—not what it shows to Countries Relations
Art is not outside Politics, but Politics exist in within its Art representation.
Political Art not only reflects, but actively intervenes in the transition towards the country and Countries Relations. It is a major player in unevenly advancing Relation Loyalty and Friendship between Countries and in the country which will effect Public Opinions and Political Decision.
Art can contribute to positive change in in the country and Countries Relation
Accomplishments and Achievements of
President Donald J. Trump
Deserve to be Painted
For Painting Explanation please Contact us
Painting Tittle: Stop illegal Immigration Signed by: Artist Francois Maurice
Item No. 173 - 1785
Oil Painting on Canvas
Dimension 39.5 inch X 27.5 inch