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Information  Release

National Investment Center
Royal Services

Accomplishments and Achievements of 
Presidents, Kings and Princes 

Iran is using Political Cartoon against  Arab countries and others to

convince the Public that Iran is a Peace-full country

Iran is using Political Cartoon against HH King Salman and HH the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to convince the Public that they are the Terrorist  and United States  is leading Terror in the Middle East.

Iran had been started a Political Art WAR against Saudi Arabia and other countries  and  challenging the Plans and Achievements of HH King Salman and HH the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in their Art Painting which will stay in history.

We would like to challenge Iranian Political Art and prove the World that HH Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman  and his new Policy and his new suggested Changes are the best for the future of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, his  Achievements in Political Art Painting will stay in the History forever. and show who is the Terrorist Country we will defend Saudi Arabia and Middle East against Terrorism, We would like to show The Terror of  Iran real Face and prove that Iran is Terror country 

Political Art can be used to fight against Global Terrorism and it is a strong Weapon to attack with and silently defeat Terrorism and countries supporting Terror.

We should fight back and prove and convince the World to fight Terrorism.  

Anti Terrorism Political Art is fighting back Iran 's Policy and ART pointed against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Untied Arab Emirates and other countries.​ 

and  the Achievements of  the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Untied Arab Emirates  will be registered in history forever