An independent company

NICRS helps all political  republican  candidates nationwide in any present and future

Our goal is to win all Elections and be the MAJORITY 

NIC always Painted  the reality reflected as a picture to let our Citizens see the Truth within seconds 

​Country situation and Government problems
 will affect our Citizens 

NICRS always painting the real Facts

NICRS Free ​Republican Services will help every republican Nominee /Candidate 
in any Public office 

Helping GOP - Republican Party in all Elections nationwide and WIN Government


​NICRS can help only republican Candidates

 Government Issues Paintings will  show our Citizens, how Republican party, Nominee and Candidates always help  Citizens and  help solve their problems with the Government

* What kind of achievement did the candidate do or will do to make our citizen life better

* How did  the candidate help our Citizens in the past, 

 * What he will do for our Citizens in the future 

* What issues did he approve for the sake of our citizens

* What candidate will do in the future  to help citizen solve some government issues

NICRS needs all available information for each candidate

​ NICRS can show Voters the 
Candidate's Achievement Painting with his own picture on his painting
Voters with one look can see what this candidate did for our citizens, which will increase votes for him 

Candidate's Achievement painting will be registered in U.S. history proving Evidence 

T-shirts can show pictures and issues

Candidate succeed to do it for the sake of citizens.

 T-shirts is a continuous advertisement for the Candidate and Voters will see it every day.



Perry Johnson 

 Voters Page

​​Click  Example candidate


How Candidate can increase Votes, 

the following  information needed 


How NICRS help Republicans 

National Investment Center Republican Services  NICRS will create a free special Main Painting for the republican Nominees about Government issue like BORDER SECURITY, Abortion, and other important Issues

 Political Party (GOP)  Achievements

Paintings will  show Citizens, how Republican party and Nominee always help Citizens and solve their problems.

Candidates intensive Advertisement  

NICRS will make Government issue painting like BORDER SECURITY and Abortion,... In the main picture
Citizens will see the truth,
in the Picture, will attract more people and Voters to see the truth and will affect their thinking and opinion  

 One main picture, will be a picture of Nominee and
Candidates/Nominee name, State
and political position he is applying for

Issue Example 
Border Security 

One of many Republican Achievement Painting

Stop Illegal Immigration 


Nominee/Candidates  Advertisement 

an Ad will published 
with a link to NIC Nominees page
and ​this page will include
a Picture with other pictures for
Nominee Goals, Achievements, personal information, Pictures,  GOP committee chairwoman McDaniel and others if endorsing this Candidate 

and display all GOP Goals,

Personal information, short videos in action about this Candidate , 

Voters will go to this site to learn more about this Nominee 

Names of high officials who supported this Nominee for this political office

​National Investment Center, We were inspired to do this kind of Painting for the sake of American People​ to

see the Reality


About us​​


 Presidential Election​​​2024 


Click on the candidate

to know more information